Monday, January 12, 2009

So much boredom...

but hopefully I'll be getting a job this week. I submitted my resume to the employment office on base and they are going to pass it on to all the jobs on base I've been looking at. I'm really hoping to get a job at the gym because that would probably follow Jon's schedule the closest and I'd just check i.d.s and do laundry and clean, sounds pretty no brainer to me.

In the mean time, I've been playing a lot of the Sims 2, which makes me feels nostalgic and lazy. And working on the couch. We have this really ugly thrift store couch that got trashed in the move (new military wives: make sure you don't like any of your stuff, because if your moving experience is anything like my first one was, it will get destroyed. R.I.P. piano) but it's so comfortable, I just can't bear to get rid of it. So I'm attempting to reupholster it. So far so good, and maybe tomorrow I will finish. Buuuut probably not. The funny thing about being bored is that even if you find something productive to do, you usually don't.

Question: do you think it's unethical/cruel to dye an animal (considering that you would use non toxic completely safe dye mixed into their shampoo so it literally wouldn't make a difference to them either way since they needed a bath anyways?)

Just wondering for no particular reason, *cough cough*.

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